February Meeting 2017

Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Ft. Washington Country Club
Speaker: John Baergen from Principal Financial Group

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John Baergen is Vice President – Executive Benefits Consulting of the Principal Financial Group for the Central and Western regions. The Principal is a retirement services leader with decades of experience working with companies to design, implement and provide plan administrative services for nonqualified deferred compensation programs. John has an extensive background in case design, sales engineering, technical specifications, and consulting for nonqualified retirement solutions. With his background and ability to communicate effectively with both financial professionals and clients, John provides invaluable services in our nonqualified efforts.


Board Meeting: 4:00 pm

Cocktails: 5:30 pm

Dinner Meeting: 6:15 pm


Filet Mignon with Demi Glaze Sauce

White Cheddar Mashed Potatoes

Asparagus with Olive Oil



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